Zapier and Marketing Automation

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Introduction: what is Zapier?

Zapier is a web service that allows the automation of many interconnected actions between different applications that are not directly integrated with each other.A meta connector can be defined that makes it possible to pass data, information, trigger actions, and other , from one app to another.

Let us see below an example of using Zapier and Marketing Automation.

Let us remember that Zapier’s main goal is to save us time whenever it is possible to create a procedure to be automated, avoiding continuous manual operations such as spreadsheet imports and exports from one app to another.

Zapier and Marketing Automation

Using triggers and automated processes (so-called zaps), it is possible to acquire contacts from external forms within Marketing Automation.

Form fields are mapped mirror to the standard MA layout, or via Custom Variables (custom fields) that you can create within the Settings section.

Use cases: lead generation

We see below a use case, which can also be replicated with other tools; again via Zapier.The case concerns the triangulation of data exchange between Calendly (appointment management system), Zapier (and its automations) and Marketing Automation.

When a not-yet-known contact books an appointment with the Sales department of MA, the process we see above (screenshot of Zapier) automatically creates a new contact card in MA; while Calendly handles sending the appointment confirmation messages. If in contact is already known, on the other hand, the action performed by it is just a new action recorded within MA touchpoints.

Useful links and contacts

In this post we looked together at what Zapier is and how it can be useful to us, through a simple use case.

For complete documentation of Zapier, here are some useful links:

Contact instead Your Marketing Automation PM to explore all the possibilities of automation, click here.


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